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Today I will talk about Wikis. What is a wiki? It's a public website which has a content that can be edited (of course with permission) by anyone else who visits the site. We can say that it is a tool that is authored by collaboratively. Is is so easy to edit a wiki page. Teachers should use wiki in lessons and want their students to create wiki pages.This pages can be about everything. For instance, I and Gizem had a wikipage that we reviewed a film named "Les Choristes".This film makes a big impression on us. It is about how a good teacher can change the life of a student. Both of us want to be teacher and we learned something about being a good teacher that's why we reviewed "Les Choristes".

Click here to see our film review.

what about having a look at my dear friend Gizem's blog post about film review.

Click here to go to Gizem's blog.


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