Today I will talk about an important software named RSS(feedreader)
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I first heard this software when we were talking of blogging in our Educational Technologies course.

Now let's have a good look at RSS. 

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RSS means  "Really Simple Syndication". It can be used in many ways for work or for personal to follow and read our favorite blogs or websites easily and so quickly. It is time saving to use RSS because when we open the reader, it automatically goes to all of the blogs or websites we follow. In other words,all news at one place.

We can download RSS Reader such as Feedreader on a computer if we have one or we can use online reader such as Google Reader.

I use Feedreader. This is the screenshot of my reader.

I'll recommend an educational blog to you. It can be benefical if you add this blog to your RSS.

    Sandy Millin
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I've recently started to follow Sandy Millin who is passionate about teaching. She is 

technologically and linguistically adventurous EFL teacher,she has worked around the world, trainer, writer and manager. Her posts are helpful and informative, providing us with useful links and online resources, guest posts on current topics, and helpful tips for the CELTA (Certificate in English Teaching to Adults) the DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She has also Youtube videos and ELT Playbook for teacher training. She has a project called Trekforce where  she could spend eight works doing volunteer work in the jungle, then eight weeks volunteer teaching in a school, all in Borneo.

If you ask me, today's teachers and we, teachers of the future, should follow her blog.Because she has reached the professional development in education as we see in her teaching certificates.She has  an exceptional amount of experience .
We can be inspired with reading her posts.And we can develop ourselves academically and learn something new.

That is all for now.

See you. 

Have a nice day :)

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