How to create a language awareness task?

Hello again,

Today, i will talk about "Data Driven Learning" which is used for consciousness raising based on technology.

In data driven learning, "corpus" helps us in discorvering phase. Corpus is a collection of more than one written or spoken texts. These texts are authentic texts. Through corpus, students can search and discover data (it can be a grammatical item or a vocabulary item) by themselves. This is called as inductive learning. It is learning by students' discovery. 

In our last classes, we learned creating a language awareness task by integrating corpus and applied our knowledge by creating our own task.

How did we achieve that?

I and my partner Zeynep (here is the link to go her blog page: a generally confused grammatical item (Time prepositions) in the high school prep class coursebook. Then, we created activities based on noticing, producing and practing techniques. Don't forget that The most important part is analysis. 

This is our worksheet:


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