Hi everyone! Welcome back!

Today, I will talk about "webquest". To be honest, I had never heard of "webquest" before the last "Material Design in ELT" class. What about you? Have you ever heard of it?

Webquest is an educational task that is carried out using the internet. So, we created a technology- enhanced project by using "webquest" for our students. We chose a project in the coursebook that our teacher assigned us. It was for high school prep students. The projects in the coursebook is done withour using technology. However, we are in the 21st century. So, I believe that we need to integrate the technology into the projects. 

For this work, I partnered up with Rabia and Beyza. The project we chose from to coursebook is to create a movie poster and writing a movie review. We wanted our students to use Web 2.0 tools,such as Canva, Postermywall and Wiki Page, while creating their projects.

When it comes to the process of creating our Webquest, we've had some difficulties. The website we benefit from is "QuestGarden". Signing up and editing on the site were really problematic.

On the other hand, I had fun while writing each section. The sections were "Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation and Conclusion". I also enjoyed while  writing instructions and creating handouts,on which we taught them how to use the Web 2.0 tools such as Canva, Postermywall and Wiki Page, to guide our students.


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