Hello my lovely subscribers,

This term we started to take Educational Technologies course. Before this term, I didn't even think that we ,students, would be so active in learning to create our personal blogs and become in the center of education. I'm happy to express my opinions easily on topics studied in class.

Today, I am going to talk of what 21st Century Learing is, why it is important, what 21 st century learning skills are and et cetera.

''There is nothing permanent except change.''says Heraclitus.

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 Everything is changing day by day with technology. And we have to move with the times especially when it comes to education . Our teachers in primary school used to use black board, chalk 10 years ago but now almost all of them use smart boards. They should teach with technology because their students deserve to  get high technology education.

 What is the framework for 21st Century Learning?

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  What are the skills?

we can say that there are three main sections .

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One of them is Learning and Innovation Skills. Thanks to Learning and Innovation skills, learners start to create  new ideas,methods,or inventions by using a strategy named 4Cs. 4Cs is the short form of Creativity , Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration.

Teamwork Team Together Collaboration Meeting Technology Communication Concept Stock Photo - 38514289
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Second one is Information, Media and Technology Skills. They include: Information Literacy ,Media Literacy and ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy . These skills are important. Due to the fact that  there are not always right informations on the net, we should have ability to distinguish for having true information.

And the last one is Life And Career Skills . In today's world just academic knowledge is not enough for working in a good job . There is a competition in business world that 's why we need some skills such as flexibility , adaptability, initiative, self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills,productivity,accountability,leadership,responsibility ...

Role Of Technology In Indian Education System Today
                                     click here

In our second lesson , all of us created our own word clouds consisting of words linked to 21st century learning. I did mine in WordArt . I chose this shape so as to highlight the importance of 21st century learnig.It is important as much as our forests,waters to live in a better world.

                 and this is my word cloud  

That's all for now .
 See you soon in my next post

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